Palestra 2

Palestras do Prof. Dr. Roberto Baldoni

Dia 08.05.2013

Title: Collaborative Financial Infrastructure Protection from cyber attacks

The recent virus attacks on the control center of the Iranian nuclear plants as well as those targeting the telecommunication and power grid infrastructures of Estonia and Georgia show how cyber attacks against
Critical Infrastructure (CI) are becoming increasingly prevalent and disruptive. In many respects, this results from growing exposure of the CI IT to the Internet, which is in turn, motivated by the desire to cut operational costs by switching to the open networking technologies, and off-the-shelf computing equipment.
Today, one out out of five attacks are accompanied by an extortion, and financial institutions are often subject of some of the most sophisticated and large-scale cyber attacks and frauds. Such attacks have been shown to incur serious tangible and intangible costs, which according to some estimates, could exceed 6 million US dollars per day. This is in
addition to numerous intangible costs associated among others with damage to reputation and degraded user experience.

This tutorial analyzes the structure of a financial infrastructure, its vulnerabilities to cyber attacks and the current countermeasures, then we show advantages in sharing information among financial players to detect and react more quickly to cyber attacks but also we investigates obstacles from organizational and cultural viewpoint. We demonstrate the viability of an Information Sharing approach from an ITC perspective by exploring how massive amounts of information being made available through a sharing mechanism can be leveraged for creating defense systems capable of protecting against globally scoped cyber attacks and frauds in a timely fashion.

Title: Distributed Systems technologies for smarter energy systems


The energy market is radically changing in many countries from natural monopoly to potential perfect competition. This shift can be done only thanks to the support of distributed systems technologies that are able to give necessary elasticity and smartness to the underlying power grid for correctly routing and billing energy from potentially multiple
(possibly micro) sources to the consumers while ensuring at the same time to the energy utility a reduction of the total cost of ownership.
From the consumers point of view, such technologies can play a fundamental role in creating powerful systems for saving energy. The talk will address distributed systems models, paradigms and technologies that can help making the grid smarter by learning, monitoring and predicting its behavior. To do that the amount of data as well as its velocity will be several orders of magnitude higher, than what we have to cope with today. Such data has to be processed, aggregated stored and analyzed in a soft real-time fashion. Several use-cases will be discussed from network grid operations to energy savings in residential Houses and public buildings.

Roberto Baldoni conducts research (from theory to practice) in the fields of distributed, pervasive and p2p computing, middleware platforms and information systems infrastructure with a specific emphasis on dependability and security aspects. He is currently the Director of the Sapienza Cyber Intelligence and Information Security Research Center and
he has been coordinator of several large scale national and EU projects.

Roberto Baldoni has been visiting researcher at INRIA, Cornell Univ. and EPFL. He regularly participates and chairs committees of premiership international conferences and workshops. Recently he has been General Chair of ACM DEBS 2008 and OPODIS 2012. From Jan. 1st 2013, Roberto Baldoni is Chair of the IEEE committee on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance and Chair of the Steering Committee of the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. He is also member of the IFIP WG 10.4, member of the steering committees of ACM DEBS, and member
of the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.

He is recipient of the ACM service of recognition Award(2002), the Service2Business Award (2010), the IBM Faculty Award (2010, 2012) and the EPTS innovation Award (2011).